Is your email Program running automated campaigns?

If not, you could be leaving money on the table. Our email marketing automation services create personalized user experiences throughout the customer journey. Defining different sets of well-defined automation rules appropriately target users resulting in favorable on-site actions.

Email Marketing Automation Services

Use Email Automation Platform For Every Business

Email marketing has evolved tremendously since its early oughts now being far more advanced than simply sending blanketed email blasts to entire databases and mailing lists. Email automation increases click rates, conversions, and increases revenue either by immediate upselling or subsequently informing customers of products or services they may be interested in. Every website or company should leverage email automation services, whether catering to B2B or B2C audiences.

Email Automation advances your email program by sending emails when specific actions are taken by subscribers or customers. Each pre-defined action taken on-site triggers specific messages to be sent to subscribers and customers pushing them further down the conversion funnel.

Google Partner
Microsoft Certified Professional
Semrush Certified Partner
Dot Digital Gold Partner

Those actions may be one or several

  • Welcome email to new customers.

  • If your store offers discounts

  • When a user views a particular webpage on your website

  • When a user or customer shows interest in a particular brand or service

  • When a customer browses a product but does not add to cart

  • When a customer or user added a product to the cart without purchasing

  • Customers’ Birthday - Surprise them with a discount coupon

  • Any software or service renewal reminder

We Are Digital Marketing Experts


Google & Microsoft Certified Professionals


Enterprise-level & PPC Campaigns Managed


Visitors To Our Optimized Websites


Average Increase In Sales


Average increase in sales with our magento implementations

Marketing Automation Plan

$48,000 – $96,000

Develop automated campaigns based on users actions taken on your ecommerce store, such as targeting potential customers, sending browse and cart abandonment nudges PLUS much more! Our email marketing automation services can help you create personalized user experiences throughout your entire customer journey.

Guideline and What's Included

Number of Newsletters Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Number of Flows Monitored, Managed and Reported on

3 5 10 10+

Number of New Flows Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Create Drip Campaigns Designed to Target Customers at Set Intervals

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Content Creation

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Define Unique Offers for Customers at Various Stages in the Buying Cycle

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

A/B Test Offers, Campaigns, and Offers

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Target Customers Based on Unique Data Points

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Optimize Existing Customer Database to Generate More Sales

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Segment Product Offerings and Promotions Based on Data Points

Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Service Hours/Month

20 40 60 60+

Costs Per Year (Invoice Monthly in Advance*)




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Awards & Recognition

Top Digital Marketing Agencies Clutch 2023
IT Firms Top Digital Marketing Companies 2022
Top Digital Marketing Companies 2022
Top Digital Marketing Companies By Good Firms

What our Happy Customers are saying

Our Clients

Our Partner

Impact of Rave All Care on Highlights For Children


Increase in Product Revenue


Increased Ecom. Conv. Rate


Increase in Number of Transactions

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