Boost Your Online Traffic to Increase Your Reach

Employ the power of effective digital marketing to maximize your online sales. Our certified Digital Marketing Strategists will define a targeted eCommerce marketing strategy with comprehensive digital marketing plans. Be it SEO, PPC, Marketing Automation, or Multichannel Selling, our team of skilled marketers can help you expand your business online.

Digital Marketing Plans For Ecommerce

Digital Marketing Plans

Explore our Digital Marketing Plans and select which option is best suited to meet the needs of your eCommerce Store today, and easily scale with tomorrow.

SEO Plan

$30,000 – $76,200

The longer you delay investing in a strategic SEO team, the longer it will take to benefit from the value of highly qualified, free traffic. Rave’s team of Certified SEO experts, perform deep site and competitive landscape audits and analysis, employing comprehensive strategies designed to drive up your search engine results, and increase overall traffic to your eCommerce store.

Guideline and What's Included

Website Pages

5K 10K 25K 25K+


5K 10K 25K 25K+

Online Commerce Revenue

$0 - $2.5M $2.5M - $5M $5M - $10M $10M+

SEMRush Audit and Fixing of Priority Issues - Issues may include 4xx Errors, Duplicate Content and Meta Tags, Broken Links, Incorrect Pages in Sitemap, Missing/Wrong Canonical and Redirects, etc.

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Keywords Research and Improvement

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Technical SEO - GSC, Google Analytics, SEMRush Audit, and Fixing

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Content and Meta Tag Optimization

 Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

eCommerce Conversion Tracking

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Conversion Rate Optimization

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Link Building through Quora, Citation Listing, Infographics, Classified Posting, etc.

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Performance Reporting

 Monthly  Monthly Monthly Monthly

Service Hours/month

20 40 60 60+

Costs per year (invoice monthly in advance*)




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  • 4xx Errors
  • Duplicate Title Tags
  • Duplicate Meta Descriptions
  • Duplicate Content
  • Missing Meta Description
  • Broken Internal Links
  • Incorrect Pages Found in Sitemap.xml
  • Canonical URLs
  • Broken External Links
  • Links Lead to HTTP Pages for HTTPS site
  • Multiple H1 Tags
  • Incorrect Pages Found in Sitemap.xml
  • Orphaned Sitemap Pages
  • Permanent/Temporary Redirects Check

Featured SEO Projects


Love & Promise Jewelers

B2C Ecommerce, Ecommerce, Internet Marketing, Magento, Magento Open Source, SEO

Echo Engineering & Production Supplies

SEO, Magento Commerce Cloud, B2C Ecommerce, Magento Commerce, Ecommerce, Magento


PPC Plan

$48,000 – $96,000

Increase traffic and drive conversions quickly with strategic Pay Per Click and Paid Advertising campaign management. Our certified PPC experts employ proprietary techniques and formulations to optimize your campaigns based on metrics aligned with business goals and objectives, ensuring each campaign delivers profitable returns on advertising spend.

Guideline and What's Included

PPC Monthly Spend

$5K - $10K $10K - $25K $25K - $50K $50K+


5K 10K 25K 25K+

Online Commerce Revenue

$0 - $2.5M $2.5M - $5M $5M - $10M $10M+

Advertising platforms supported (Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram Ads, etc.)

Google Google + Bing/FB/LI/IG (Choose 1) Google + Bing/FB/LI/IG (Choose 2) Google + Bing/FB/LI/IG (Choose 3)

Number of Campaigns

Up to 3 Up to 5 Up to 10 10+

Search Campaigns

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Shopping Campaigns: No. of Product Feeds

 1 Up to 2 Up to 3 3+

Display Campaigns

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Video, App, Local, and Discovery Campaigns

      Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Website Analysis, Competitive Analysis & Tracking Code Analysis, and Setup

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Initial Expectations and Specific Goals Setup

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Keyword research and selection

Up to 50 Up to 100 Up to 200 200+

Keyword Categorization and Negative Keyword List

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Ad Group Development/Updation

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Creative & Effective Ad Copies – No. of Ads Per Ad Group

2 3 5 5+

Landing Page Optimization Suggestion

Up to 5 Up to 10 Up to 20 20+

Call To Action (CTA) Optimization Suggestion

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

A/B Ad Testing

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Ad Scheduling and Geographical Targeting

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Ad Extension Optimization

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Bid & Other Settings Optimization

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Remarketing to Reach People Who Visited your Website Previously (If Applicable)

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Campaign Optimization for Highly Structured and Targeted Campaigns

Weekly Weekly Twice/Week Daily

Performance Reporting

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Service Hours/month

40 60 80 80+

Costs per year (invoice monthly in advance*)




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We offer deep audit of PPC accounts which includes following reviews:

  • Selected campaign’s network
  • Analysis of keywords match type
  • Long-tail keywords
  • Geo-Targeting
  • Targeting Method
  • Bidding strategy
  • Mobile Bid Adjustment
  • Ad Rotation
  • Delivery method
  • Ad scheduling
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Impression share of all elements of the campaign
  • Budget and ROAS
  • Analysis of the landing pages
  • Negative Keywords
  • Ad extensions
  • Change history

Featured PPC Projects



PPC, B2C Ecommerce, Magento Open Source, Ecommerce, Magento

Medical Laboratory Supply

PPC, B2C Ecommerce, Magento Open Source, Social Media, Email Marketing, Ecommerce, Magento


Marketing Automation Plan

$48,000 – $96,000

Develop automated campaigns based on users actions taken on your ecommerce store, such as targeting potential customers, sending browse and cart abandonment nudges PLUS much more! Our email marketing automation services can help you create personalized user experiences throughout your entire customer journey.

Guideline and What's Included

Number of Newsletters Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Number of Flows Monitored, Managed and Reported on

3 5 10 10+

Number of New Flows Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Create Drip Campaigns Designed to Target Customers at Set Intervals

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Content Creation

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Define Unique Offers for Customers at Various Stages in the Buying Cycle

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

A/B Test Offers, Campaigns, and Offers

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Target Customers Based on Unique Data Points

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Optimize Existing Customer Database to Generate More Sales

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Segment Product Offerings and Promotions Based on Data Points

Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Service Hours/Month

20 40 60 60+

Costs Per Year (Invoice Monthly in Advance*)




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Featured Marketing Automation Projects



B2B Ecommerce, Ecommerce, Ecommerce Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Magento, Magento Community

Reliva CBD

CMS, Ecommerce, Email Marketing, Social Media, WooCommerce, WordPress


Multichannel Marketing Plan

$24,000 – $96,000

Creating a successful multichannel initiative requires cohesive strategy across numerous channels, and a continuous evolution of messaging as data is collected. Our team of Digital Marketing experts will analyze your business and competitive landscape to define growth driven strategies aimed at increasing revenue, across all channels!

Guideline and What's Included

Online Commerce Revenue

$0 - $2.5M $2.5M - $5M $5M - $10M $10M+


100 200 300 300+

Marketplaces Supported (Amazon, eBay, Etsy,, etc)

1 2 3 3+

Seller Registration

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Marketplace Integration with Ecommerce Store

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Category Bifurcation

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Listing Templating

      Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Competitive Analysis and Suggestions

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Keyword Analysis & Research

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Title and Description

10 20 30 30+

Product Selling Point Highlighting

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Page HTML Formatting

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Variation (Colors, Quantity, Bundling) Option Implementation

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Product Call-to-Action Inclusion

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Special Offers and Product Promotions

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Sponsored Advertising for Number of Products

5 10 10+

Performance Reporting

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Service Hours/Month

40 60 80 80+

Costs Per Year (Invoice Monthly in Advance*)




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Featured Multichannel Marketing Projects


National Oak

Multichannel Marketing, B2B Ecommerce, Ecommerce Digital Marketing, B2B/B2C Commerce, Ecommerce, Magento, Magento Enterprise


Multichannel Marketing, B2C Ecommerce, Ecommerce, Magento Community, Magento


Reward Program Marketing Plan

$30,000 – $72,000

Developing a solid loyalty and reward program will develop strong customer relationships , and build brand advocates. Our strategically designed loyalty reward program will increase customer engagement, and boost revenue while delivering a rewarding experience for your customers.

Guideline and What’s Included

Reward Program Integration with Ecommerce Store

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Number of Offers in Exchange for Reward Points Per Month

1 2 4 4+

Refer a Friend Rewards

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Reward Point Mechanism Creation for Various Occasions

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Specific Product Promotion

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Content Creation

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

A/B Test Offers

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Target Customers Based on Unique Data Points

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Optimize Existing Customer Database to Generate More Sales

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Share to Social

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Point Balance Email Notifications

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

CMS Page Creation for the Reward Rules in Use

Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Customer Support

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Performance Reporting

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Service Hours/Month

20 40 60 60+

Costs Per Year (Invoice Monthly in Advance*)




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